Dirty SEO tricks to be avoided

You have heard about a lot of different methods for search engine optimisation.  You have probably used a number of them in order to get your site in the top ranks.  There is a list of things that you should not do on your site.   These are the worst of the worst dirty tricks, and they can lower your Google ranking or just get you banned. So make sure you don't try to play any of these dirty SEO tricks
1.  Cloaking Your Content
The No. 1 top offending SEO technique, according to both SEO software firm SEOmoz and Google's own guidelines, is to design your Website so that search engines see one thing while human visitors see another. This is commonly called "cloaking," and it's generally considered the dirtiest trick there is. Let's face it, the redirected site is never about anything fun.
Cloaking your Web site is a sure-fire way to get banned from Google and probably the worst thing you could do for Google.
2.Automatic Queries
If you're like most Website owners, you wonder how your pages rank on various keywords at any given moment in time. Lo and behold, there are even tools that will perform automatic queries for you, to find out the truth from Google itself.
The only problem is, Google doesn't like that at all. Tools such as WebPosition Gold, it asserts, "consume computing resources and violate our Terms of Service." Better avoid them.
3.Duplicating Content
If a Website operator offers the same content on multiple pages, subdomains, or domains, it can result in extra traffic and higher rankings--or at least, so the thinking goes. Unfortunately, it's another violation of Google's Webmaster Guidelines, and it can get you kicked out of its index. Google has been known to ban sites that duplicate too much content or at least severely penalize their ranking in search results.
This can occasionally cause problems, because some spamming Web site might be duplicating your content. If you find someone violating your copyright this way, you can let Google know. 

Title Stacking

Don't try to add extra <title> tags for more keywords. This cousin of keyword stuffing is called title stacking, and it won't win you any friends at Google.
One title per page, please, although you may separate that title with a dash to hit a few more keywords that do relate to your content,
Doorway Pages

Doorway pages or Gateway pages are pages that are optimized for one key term but are really designed to be gateways to lead you to different content.
 They usually have very little in the way of original content and often cloak or redirect users to the intended Web site. Be aware of affiliate programs, because some of these may look like doorway pages to Google.
Keyword stuffing :
Don't try to hide keywords by making the background color the same as the font color. This is called keyword stuffing or fontmatching. Google and other search engines are increasingly sophisticated at catching this, and they'll likely remove any offending Web sites from their search engine index.
 CSS hack :
Another common error that individuals make is using CSS code to hide the text.  CSS cannot be seen by humans.  So if you write <div styel=”visibility:hidden:”> then put your keyword in with </div> at the end you are hiding text.  It is less risky for you with the search engine, but it can still get you booted out.


very helpfull article in SEO and also i would like to make something to prevent people to spam my blog.

thnx again

Great resource! Webmasters should definitely keep those in mind to avoid those mistakes. Thanks for sharing this post.
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